Stories from the Old Bible

Gary Floater

Floater Rising

  1. Stories from the Old Bible

When I was just a young pup, barely 3 foot high
My daddy’d drink some cool ones, and get a twinkle in his eye
He’d start to telling stories from a Bible no one ever heard
Some folks said he made it up- I believe every word

He said there’s an Old Bible, not the new one they’ve got out
That his daddy told him stories from, and he never had a doubt
He’d crack another cold one, tell stories never heard before
He’d pretty much act it out, them old tales of the Lord

He said dinosaurs tried to kill Jesus, but he fought em with his lightsaber
T. Rex and Pterodactyle could not tear down the savior
Listen to the stories daddy taught me well
How Jesus fought the dinosaurs and sent them all to hell

Then his spaceship took flight, he said he’d be back again
He’d come back down to Georgia, and help Charlie Daniels  win
So I don’t want to see your pictures of satanic giraffe
I don’t believe in fossils, they only make me laugh
Listen to the stories my daddy taught me well
How Jesus fought the dinosaurs and sent them all to hell