Y’all Watch This

Gary Floater

Floater Rising

  1. Y’all Watch This

We were down at the quarry, having a hell of a time
There was a hundred foot ditch, trucks parked by the edge in a line
Jimmy jumped in his truck and he raised up a Shiner Bock
He hollered out the window, truck tires spinning out over the rocks

Y’all watch this, y’all watch me
Them words are burned in my memory
Y’all watch this, y’all watch me
That truck caught fire like you rarely see
Y’all watch this

We were up on the spillway, though they said that the dam was closed
We were taking in the view when Eddie took off his clothes
He drank a chug of Mad Dog 20 then he raised up a rebel yell
Eddie sure could whoop and holler, but he couldn’t swim too well

Y’all watch this, y’all watch me
He wasn’t quite sure where the water’d be
Y’all watch this

We were south of Laredo, having a ball at that ol’ Boys Town
Delbert couldn’t speak good Spanish, that night he was throwing it down
He really only knew two words, vato and odelay
He yelled em as jumped onstage, pushed the donkey out of the way

Y’all watch this, y’all watch me
That donkey show wasn’t meant to be
Sometimes life don’t match plans
He’s gonna need a doctorman
Y’all watch this